Redaccion de Siembra Hielo lunes 23 de noviembre de 2009
Santo Domingo .- The Dominican-Spanish consortium Acciona Agua Abicarran-Morilla, built the aqueduct multiple Peravia Province at a cost of approximately $ 110 million, equivalent to 3 thousand pesos millones922 announced on Thursday the Executive Director National Drinking Water Institute (INAP), Mariano Germain.
This aqueduct Multiple provide potable water to residents of Bani, headboard town of l; to Peravia province, and Paya, Mata Gorda, Peravia Foundation, Nizao, Don Gregorio, Pizarrete, Santana, Catherine, Garreton, Escondido, Villa Sombrero, El Llano, Boca Canasta, Cassia fistula, Matanza (including the free zone), Los Tumbaos, Quijos Quiet, Arroyo Hondo, Las Calderas, Las Salinas and naval base.
SEEDING HIELO.COM Significantly, it was the 1st. published this news means for the people banilejo by report sent from Spain by our correspondent Sebastian Aguilera, when the Spanish company was winner of the tender for the construction of the aqueduct to the Province Peravia.
Moreover INAPA director, said the work will begin in the month of February next year, the deadline specified by the contract for the commencement of the work of the aqueducto.
Dicho trabajos durarán aproximadamente unos 20 meses, El acueducto se construirá con financiamiento blando del Gobierno dominicano y la Banca española, con periodos de amortizaciones entre 15 y 30 años con tasas de interés de tipo concesional.
Dicho acueducto multiple , urbano-rural, para ciudad servira agua potable a más de 21 comunidades de la Provincia Peravia.